Cosmetic Acupuncture & Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture & Facial Rejuvenation is a non invasive and natural approach to skin care and aging gracefully. Increases collagen production and blood flow to the skin of the face. It creates a firming effect, makes your skin look more youthful and improves complexion and skins moisture content. Cosmetic acupuncture reaches the underlying structures of the skin which tightens subcutaneous muscles and counteracts the natural drooping effect as we age.
Gua sha is a traditional technique that uses jade tools. Jade has a very cooling effect on the skin which helps to reduce inflammation. When used on the face and neck gua sha increases circulation and promotes lymphatic drainage resulting in decreased puffiness and improved skin quality. It also reduces tone in the muscle of the face, reducing the appearance of fine lines and overtime can reduce the formation of fine lines
Facial cupping is different than the traditional cupping used on the body. Specialized cups are used that will not bruise or mark the skin. Instead they increase local circulation, relax facial muscles and encourage collagen production this results in brightened skin, minimized appearance in fine lines and wrinkles and a naturally dewy look of refreshed and renewed skin.
Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture:
Decreases the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring/pitting
Improves collagen and elastin production in the skin of the face
Reduces discoloration and hyper-pigmentation
Promotes lymphatic drainage and reduces facial puffiness
Reduces the look of double chins, jowels and sagging skin
Celluma Light Therapy
The Celluma light is a theraputic light that uses specific wavelengths of light energy to help improve cellular regeneration. The Celluma utilizes red light, blue light and infrared.
When Acupuncture is used in conjunction with light therapy, the effect and benefit is doubled.
Acupuncture creates micro trauma on the skin’s surface to activate a healing response, which increases circulation, elastin and collagen production. The use of light therapy stimulates cells on a microscopic level, promoting collagen and elastin synthesis and cell turnover.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is it painful?
No! The needles that are used on the face are extremely thin, some of them, you can’t even feel when they go in. We also use acupuncture points on the ear and a gentle balancing body treatment to help you glow from the inside out. Most people find acupuncture extremely relaxing and often fall asleep during treatment.
Who is cosmetic acupuncture for?
Anyone can benefit from cosmetic acupucnture. Its extremely relaxing and feels like a spa treatment.
If you suffer from seizures, high blood pressure, or migraines let us know prior to treatment.
What should I know before my first appointment?
Come with a clean face please! If you're coming in for a full facial rejuvenation we wash your face and use a vitamin C serum for our guasha and facial cupping portion. These products are locally made and free from all harsh chemicals. If you're coming in for our 'just the needles' facial a clean face is ideal the least amount of barriers allows the light to work the best!
How long does it take to work?
Often a noticeable difference occurs after the first appointment. However, collagen takes 28 days to form, so you will start to see the more lasting effects after four weeks. We recommend 10-12 weekly treatments depending on what we are working on and then once a month for a “touch-up” treatment after the desired effects are achieved. However, clients have achieved their desired and lasting effects with a variety of treatment schedules.
How long do cosmetic acupuncture treatments take?
The full facial rejuvenation treatment takes 60-75 minutes, our 'just the needles' facial is slightly shorter 45-60 minutes.